Saturday, March 31, 2018

Sundays at Grandma's

"Think of your family today and every day thereafter, don't let the busy world of today keep you from showing how much you love and appreciate your family".
                                                       - Josiah

When I was a little girl we lived a long distance from my grandmothers, so I only saw them on holidays and special occasions. They were both remarkable women, amazing cooks and a wonderful combination of warmth and kindness, laughter and love. I wanted more than anything to live near them and see them more often.

When my first grandson was born I decided I wanted a closer relationship with him. I wanted to be part of his life... every day. When the twins were born it became almost a necessity in order for their Mom and Dad to get a moment of rest.

We have settled into a routine where I visit them during the week, but every Sunday Daddy brings the boys over for breakfast and playtime. It gives me a chance to treat them to their favorite foods and spend some special time with them. The twins are almost two years old and are tornadoes of energy. They are constantly moving, touching and exploring every thing in the house. That's fine with me, the house is child proof.
After several hours of endless play, the twins are winding down, about ready for their afternoon nap. Daddy packs up the car, buckles them in their car seats and as soon as he pulls out of the drive they are fast asleep. The sign of a good, active day.
My oldest grandson stays behind for an extended visit. We spend the rest of the afternoon drawing and painting, building Legos and, now that the weather is getting warm, working in the garden together. This is our special bonding time.

I love my time with my grandsons. I can't imagine a day without talking to them and with the magic of technology we can video chat several times a day. My grandson can't wait to call me after school to tell me about the spelling test he passed, or to show me a picture he drew, or to tell me what color his behavior was that day. I want to wish him a good day at school in the morning and sweet dreams at night before he goes to sleep. The twins are now beginning to talk and they wave to me on the phone. These are all the important and special moments of their lives and I love being a part of it... I don't want to miss any of it.

I don't want to be a long distance grandma...I want to be an every day grandma.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Dolce far Niente

"I use this time to think."
     - Anthony T. Hincks

It's raining today. A soft, gentle rain. The kind of rain that makes you want to curl up in a chair by the window, with a hot cup of tea, and watch it coming down. That's exactly what I have been doing this morning.

Well...that's not entirely true...I started watching the rain, but then my attention turned to a snail crawling up a large, leafy bush. I have been watching this snail for the past half-hour moving it's way along the wet, green leaves. It's in no hurry to get anywhere or do anything. Unlike me, I need to write a blog and draw or paint a picture to go along with it and instead of doing that, I'm sitting here watching a snail.

Am I procrastinating? No...I'm "pausing". I'm allowing my mind and body to take time for a break. I'm taking time to reflect on the past several weeks. Work has been extremely hectic, the flu has passed through every member of the family and it only rains for a brief time in Southern California and then nothing for many months. So...this is the perfect opportunity to "pause".

My Grandmother used an Italian phrase, Dolce far Niente, which means "how sweet to do nothing". That's exactly what I am doing this morning...nothing! So like my little friend, the snail, I'm in no hurry. I'm going to let my mind and body rest, regroup, and prepare for the next onslaught of life's daily happenings.

In fact, I'm going to make myself another cup of tea, curl up in the chair by the window and watch my friend crawl down the large, leafy bush.